Storm MC Clothing by Nina Levine

<div> <div>Available in Hoodies, T-Shirts, Tanks, V-Necks &amp; Long Sleeve Shirts</div> <div><br></div> <div> <div>Love a dirty talking alpha? Start my biker series today. </div> </div> <div><br></div> <div>Website: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> </div>

Water Protector

Artwork by Christi Belcourt.  100% of the proceeds from the sales of this tshirt will go directly to Onaman Collective's Land Fund, to bring Indigenous youth and Elders together on the land.<br>


<b>Water is Sacred. Water is Life. </b>Everywhere we look, we see the issue of water coming to the forefront. We stand with all those who believe, as we do, that water is sacred. Featuring artwork by Isaac Murdoch. 100% of the proceeds will go to Onaman Collective to help with our work on environmental issues, Indigenous language restoration and connecting youth with Elders and traditional Indigenous knowledge on the land. <br>

Open Your Heart Conscious Shirt. Colours

<div> <i><b>- Be the Love You Wish to See in The World -</b></i><i><br></i>*T-Shirts and Hoodies Available. Multiple Colours. Select Below.*<br>Upgrade Your Quest Inventory<br>Adds +9 Synchronicity<br> </div> <div><br></div> <div> <b>Tip - Place a bulk order for you and friends.<br>Order 2 or more to save on shipping!</b><br> </div> <div>_</div> <div> <b>Connect to an interactive conscious community at</b><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> </div> <div><i>A real world game to help shift consciousness. A portal for conscious media and a global team of Shifters and Paradigm Shift communities. <br>Explore, sign up, play, and be a part of the unfolding story. </i></div><div><i><img src=""><br></i></div> <div>__</div> <div>This shirt is designed to not only show that you yourself are consciously aware of the shift in consciousness, but is used to interact and spark conversation with others about our collective evolution. <b>These shirts go GREAT when combined with FREE HUGS tactics!</b><br> </div> <div> __<br><div> <b>- Add more potential to your Shiftivism tactics -</b><br><b>Acquire the Shifter Booster Kit for additional effectiveness to go with your Conscious Shirts &gt;&gt;</b> </div> <div><b><img src=""><br>Available to the Monthly Support Squad. <br><a href="" target="_blank">&gt; Click Here to Join &lt;</a><br>Full kit for min $5.<br>Receive as many Shift Buttons as you ask for. <br>+ Free Hugs signs, Love Wand crystal massage tool, crystal pendant, and more.<br><br></b></div> <div></div> <div>Shift Buttons are <b>real world quest items</b> to evoke synchronicity, spark conscious conversation, plant seeds, and build community. </div> <div>Hack the Matrix on a whole new level! <br><br> </div> </div> <div> <img src="*nzlmbvgpSLHUnXr5FP0ofvg/WearingButtons_004_sized.jpg"><br><br>Remember, the Shift is You.</div>

The Southern Sassenachs 2016

The Southern Sassenachs, Inc. is an avid Outlander fan base dedicated to raising awareness and funds for Cancer Research.  All proceeds will benefit Bloodwise and World Child Cancer, in honor of Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe, the stars of our beloved show.  Visit us on FB <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and Twitter @SSassenachs.  Please join our Event this September in Charleston, SC <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>  We'd like to thank Laura Ewing @LauraEwF for her amazing design.  <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 

2/6 Reunion 2017

Official merchandise for 2/6's Reunion in September 2017.  All proceeds will be donated to a charity supporting 2/6's active duty warriors and their families.  <div><b><br></b></div><div><b>All sales will end on August 22nd; minimum number of order must be achieved by then.</b></div>

Gun Owners of Maine

Show your support with this Gun Owners of Maine t-shirt. Printed on a made in America t shirt.  

BLM Sacramento Capitol Tee

All proceeds go to fighting for racial justice!


<div> <b>Limited Edition Transplant Tough Tees &amp; Hoodies </b> <b>Printed on Premium Quality Tees and Hoodies</b><b><br></b><br><b>Available for 10 days <i>only</i>. Get it before it's gone.</b><b><br></b><i><br><b>This is only available until the 16t</b></i><b>h of June and Yes, We Ship Worldwide!</b><div><b><br></b></div> <img src=""><br> </div><div><br></div>

Let's Hygge

<b>Hygge (<i>hoo-guh</i>):</b> a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of well-being. Hygge is a state where all psychological needs are in balance. It's enjoying life's simple pleasures -  such as a comfy shirt you'll relax in for years to come. <div><br></div><div>Remember to embrace the  moments of hygge in your life with this visual nudge, and simultaneously introduce others to this concept of contentment.<br><div> <br><i>All proceeds support the preservation of Danish heritage &amp; culture in America through the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Museum of Danish America</a>, the nation's home for all things hygge. ❤️️</i> </div> </div>

Erin Fry Jamestown, PA

Recently Erin Fry from Jamestown, PA was diagnosed with Hodgkins' Lymphoma.  Erin is a 23 year old young lady who needs your support to continue the fight.  All proceeds from the shirt sales will go directly to Erin.

The Land Is Ceremony

Artwork by Erin Konsmo. 100% of the proceeds is going to towards Onaman Collective's land fund for the purchase of land to establish a year round culture, arts &amp; language camp for youth.<br>
