The 64 tetrahedron grid is the fundamental seed geometry of the fabric of the vacuum of space-time. This geometry is considered the father of all form whereas the flower of life is the mother. Both of the flower of life and 64 tetrahedron grid nest together impeccably, they are contrasting versions of the same unity. . As a numerical quality 64 is found in numerous systems in the cosmos, including the 64 codons in our DNA, the 64 tantric arts of the Kama Sutra, and the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching (Chinese Book of Changes). The I-Ching is one of the world's oldest texts, it's principles timeless. The text describes the laws of nature through the union of polarities. It consists of 64 hexagrams representing various points of balance between negative and positive energy. It appears that the 64-based value is of primary importance in the fundamental structure of the unified field and how that field manifests from its pre-manifest order to its manifest order, both physically and metaphysically. Meditate on this form and allow yourself to synchronize with the harmonic energies within.
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