Whale Design

This design is based on a large scale painting in November 2014. The original mediums included ink, acrylic, watercolor, enamel, and gold leaf on Arches paper. The painting was ruined when I rolled it up before completely dry- I hope these whales can live on society's modern day mobile canvas- t-shirts! You can view the original and other recent works at <a href="http://www.bridgetsauer.com/san-francisco-paintings/" target="" rel="nofollow" title="Link: http://www.bridgetsauer.com/san-francisco-paintings/">http://www.bridgetsauer.com/san-francisco-paintings/</a><div> <img src="file:///Users/bridgetsauer/Desktop/Dec%2031st/whales.png"><br><div> <img src="http://i57.tinypic.com/snp91x.png"><br> </div> <div> <img src="file:///Users/bridgetsauer/Desktop/Dec%2031st/whales.png"><br> </div> <div><br></div> <div>Please share this campaign link with any whale lovers that you know :) </div> <div><br></div> </div>

$ 26
Blue Ocean Whale Watch- Mola Mola

Support the ocean sunfish! Artwork is drawn by Erin.

$ 25
Whale Anchor Winter Line

Whale Anchor Hoodies and Sweatshirts to keep you warm all winter long 😉 LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE FOR A LIMITED TIME 

$ 19