Ever feel like this? I find the world heavy sometimes.
So that’s when I set it down. I exchange its weight for a plastic brick and build myself a town. My town is open for you to come free for one and all. You cannot mess it up; my friend just answer the call, the call to put your world down and join us in our space. A call to leave your worries behind come to this wondrous place. The streets here have no bends, the coffees never cold. We laugh and play and run and sing. It’s ok to be bold.
Come to us as who you are. We love you best that way. People who are different here are welcome to stay. But don’t be fooled. We must return to our heavy world. Pick up our lives and keep on living. The fantasy unfurled, but here is the truth you need to know. The real world, you can rock it. Just hold on tight to that plastic brick. Keep one in your pocket.