"Stars Are Born In November" Awesome pillow with stylish neon theme fit for all aspiring superstars. Perfect gifts for Birthdays, Christmas and other special occasions #BoostedPillow
Great gift for any woman who was born in March.
<img src="https://fbcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xlf1/v/t1.0-0/p240x240/12729201_1133931286618175_3022214707094175115_n.jpg?oh=5cace2cb143acba19c49ef26099d4ad1&oe=5765DB27&__gda__=1462300907_12ebbd4c53bd12e3831c49675a6fec8b"> <b>LITMITED EDITION - We ship to 178 countries</b><div> <div> <b>*HOW TO ORDER?</b><br> </div> <div>1. Select style and color</div> <div>2. Click "Buy it Now"</div> <div>3. Select size and quantity</div> <div>4. Enter shipping and billing information</div> <div>5. Done! Simple as that!</div> <br><div> <b>TIP</b>: SHARE it with your friends, order together and <b>SAVE</b> on shipping.</div> <div> <br><b><i>Need Help Ordering?</i></b><br>Email: [email protected] </div> </div>
<div> <div> <b>100% Printed in the U.S.A - S</b><b>hip Worldwide</b><br> </div> <div></div> <div> <b>*HOW TO ORDER?</b><br> </div> <div>1. Select style and color</div> <div>2. Click "Buy it Now"</div> <div>3. Select size and quantity</div> <div>4. Enter shipping and billing information</div> <div>5. Done! Simple as that!</div> </div><div><br></div><div> <b><i>Need Help Ordering?</i></b><br>Call Support (1-855-833-7774) Monday-Friday OR Email: [email protected]</div>
Limited Time Offer! Not Sold In Store. <br>Safe and secure checkout via: <br><b>Paypal | VISA | MASTERCARD </b> <br>Multiple styles available, but get yours now before its too late.<br> TIP: SHARE it with your friends, order together and save on shipping. <br>Click "Buy Now" to order TODAY<br>
<img src="https://d1b2zzpxewkr9z.cloudfront.net/user_images/53087d59cf5724f808c2fb9d64d96f922e06c44c/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f727456506566532e6a7067"><img src="http://"><div> <b>Limited Edition "LEGENDS ARE BORN IN NOVEMBER"</b> shirts & more available in the color/style of your choice!<div> <div><br></div> <div>Click the <b>BIG GREEN BUTTON</b> to select your size & buy</div> <div><br></div> <b>Warning: May lead to excessive compliments</b><br> </div> </div>
Limited Time Offer! Not Sold In Store. <br>Safe and secure checkout via: <br><b>Paypal | VISA | MASTERCARD </b> <br>Multiple styles available, but get yours now before its too late.<br> TIP: SHARE it with your friends, order together and save on shipping. <br>Click "Buy Now" to order TODAY<br>