Lesnoe Ozero 2017

"What is your story"<div>Our T-shirt this year is based on the International Day theme of ‘What's your story?’  This theme is all about sharing experiences and backgrounds with the goal of learning from each other and achieving international understanding.  Our design this year uses the imagery of the Russian national tree, the birch, to remind us of our connection to nature and indigenous cultures, highlighting Lesnoe Ozero's mission to promote a worldview of peace, justice and sustainability for all.  100% of the profits go to our *Village Vision Fund* to support scholarships, purchases of cultural materials, transportation expenses for international staff, etc.</div>

CRD: I am from Russia but...

Be a part of Crazy Russian family and fanatics.  Wear this epic Crazy Russian Tshirt. #IamFromRussiaBut

Russian fire tee

Pretty good tee, cond 10/10
