We all know how hard it is to quit smoking.  Behaviour modification is apart of the process.  Let the people around you know what you are doing without having to talk about it and reduce triggering thoughts of having a cigarette.  Smoking triggers can happen at any moment - you may be having one now because I have mentioned smoking 3 times so far -  however, we tend to smoke more when other smokers are around us or our stress levels are increased. Which makes it that much more difficult to quit.  This tshirt is designed to help reduce and eliminate these triggers and make our transition into the non-smoking world easier.<div> <b>Buy it!</b>  Set your quit date for the day you receive it in the mail.  </div><div> <b>Wear it!</b>  Don't discuss anything about it when people ask.  Just tell people to read the back of your shirt.  You don't need to explain any further. </div><div>You will think and talk less about smoking and more about the things and the people that are important to you, increasing your motivation and your stamina to withdraw from the addiction.   </div><div><div><b>Now Do it!</b></div></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
