Yoga Limited Edition

<div> <div>#BoostedBuddhism </div> <div>#BoostedBuddha </div> <div>#BoostedBuddhist </div> <div>#BoostedEU </div> <div>#BoostedYoga </div> <div>#BoostedNetwork </div> <div>#BoostedZen </div> <div>#BoostedMeditation</div> </div><div><b><i>Not sold in the store. Get yours before too late.</i></b></div><div><b><i>100% Printed in the U.S.A - Ship Worldwide<br></i></b></div><div> <div>Guaranteed safe and secure checkout via: </div> <div>Paypal | VISA | MASTERCARD</div> </div><b><i>Need Help Ordering?</i></b><br>Call Support (1-855-833-7774) Monday-Friday OR Email: [email protected]

#RastaYogi Apparel

<p>I'm trying something new since it isn't an easy task to visit every city to teach and practice with all of you. As a way to be an inspiring part of your practice and lives... here's the first installment of my brand apparel.  You don't have to consider yourself a Rasta or a yogi; if you live a life dedicated to peace, love, and a healthy lifestyle, this apparel is for you.</p><p><br></p><p>Artwork by: Ann Grafelman (Orlando, FL)  </p>

Fall 2016 Fund: Namaste Yoga Scholarship

The Namaste Yoga Scholarship Fund provides personal wellbeing support through yoga and meditation classes to Lyons area community members who have found themselves in hard times. Yoga and meditation are known to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and to build confidence, memory and concentration. Yoga reduces the effects of traumatic experiences, and helps those in hard times manage stress. <div><br></div><div>Become a <b>Good Juju Partner</b> by purchasing an item to help fund our scholarship programs.  This campaign ends October 4th. Our goal for this campaign round is to fund three Lyons Area individuals in need, with yoga and meditation classes this Fall.</div>

Anando Yoga Meditation Studio

 "Anando" a Sanskrit word expressing the natural expression of the sacred feminine, which translates as blissfulness, it's joy as love. Anando Yoga &amp; Meditation Studio, a dream which manifested two years ago October of 2014, due to my vision and supportive husband Gary - we co-created a sacred space for people to practice and heal with ANANDO's offerings.  "Build it and they will come" has been my mantra, although some days I have to admit I wasn't so sure. I kept showing up, Gary kept supporting me and I am happy to say that ANANDO Yoga &amp; Meditation will be celebrating our 2nd Anniversary, October 28th.  ANANDO has slowly begun to build a beautiful community of amazing people and my dream continues ~ inspiring people to self love, self care and healing. A gentle request to share the message of ANANDO living more blissful, joyful and loving. <br> <div>Thank you for your kindness.</div><div> Love and Light, </div><div>Donna Spear </div><div>Owner "Anando" Yoga &amp; Meditation</div>

Pittsburgh Acro Yoga Shirts

Represent Pittsburgh acro yoga all over

Buddha Zen Yoga Buddhist!

<div> <div>#BoostedBuddhism </div> <div>#BoostedBuddha </div> <div>#BoostedBuddhist </div> <div>#BoostedEU </div> <div>#BoostedYoga </div> <div>#BoostedNetwork </div> <div>#BoostedZen </div> <div>#BoostedMeditation</div> </div><div><b><i>Not sold in the store. Get yours before too late.</i></b></div><div><b><i>100% Printed in the U.S.A - Ship Worldwide<br></i></b></div><b><i>Need Help Ordering?</i></b><br>Call Support (1-855-833-7774) Monday-Friday OR Email: [email protected]

Equation for Balance

Pilates and yoga are paths to transform your body, mind, spirit. Practicing both is a perfect pathway to balance

Yoga Girl Womens Shirt

Teespring Women's Premium Tee Top<div>Yoga Girl Women's Shirt</div><div><br></div><div>For more yoga clothes <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> </div>

Stop, Drop and Yoga

<b>LIMITED edition. SHORT TIME only! </b><div><br></div><div>Show your love for yoga &amp; serve as a reminder for you &amp; others that you can stop, drop &amp; yoga anytime, anywhere!</div><div><br></div><div>Also available in tank tops &amp; a mug!</div><div><br></div><div>Check out the <b><a href="" target="_blank"></a> </b>website for more holistic ways to heal the body</div>


I just really love pizza.  

Wine and Yoga

Yoga plus wine - perfect together

Limited Edition - Yogacorn

<img src=""><div> <div><br></div> <div>Click the <b>BIG GREEN BUTTON</b> to pick your size and color and to order.</div> <div><br></div> <div>Guaranteed safe and secure checkout via <b>PayPal | VISA | MASTERCARD.</b> </div> </div>
