
"Nevertheless, she persisted" as a thank you to Elizabeth Warren, Corretta Scott King, and those who fight. All profits to ACLU

Nevertheless, she PERSISTED

Let's remind everyone that they tried to silence Elizabeth Warren, and by extension, all women working for a better world.  A great motivator for the long haul.  We will not be silenced! 75% of proceeds will be donated to the ACLU.

Nevertheless, she persisted.

When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell silenced Senator Elizabeth Warren for attempting to read a letter penned by Coretta Scott King in regards to the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, he said: "She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted." Here we go.

Persist & Resist

Persist & Resist! A reminder to keep fighting the good fight. Proceeds from sales of this campaign will go to Southern Poverty Law Center.

She was warned, she persisted

In honor of Senator Warren and the many women throughout human history who have persevered in spite of obstacles, warnings, and threats.<br><br>We will strive to be as persistent as you.<br><br>PLEASE NOTE, 50% of profits will be donated to the ACLU.<br><br><br>

The Resistance Begins

Jan20Tees, Hoodies &amp; Totes

Nevertheless She Persisted

Because Jeff Sessions can suck it.<div><br></div><div>100% of proceeds go to the ACLU.</div>

Lady Liberty RESISTS! ACLU Donation Tee

Lady liberty stands tall, torch held high as a beacon to those who believe Love Trumps Hate and at her feet is a poem. It reads, in part...<div><br></div><div>"Give me your tired, your poor,<br>Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,<br>The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.<br>Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,<br>I lift my lamp beside the golden door!<br> </div><div><br></div><div>25% of proceeds from this design goes to the ACLU to support their campaign to defend the Constitution and everything the Statue of Liberty stands for.</div>


Voter Empowerment Project Fundraising T-Shirt, Nevertheless, She Persisted.

Nevertheless, She Persisted - Blue

The quote from Senator Mitch McConnell that defended his silencing of Senator Elizabeth Warren during the debate of the nominee Jeff Sessions.

We will persist.

We will persist, We will resist. 


Nevertheless, she persisted - true of every women who has ever made a difference. 50% of the proceeds will <u>automatically be donated</u> to Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
