Nevertheless, she persisted.

"She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. NEVERTHELESS, SHE PERSISTED."<div><br></div><div>Let your voice be heard and let the GOP know they will not silence the voices of dissent, especially the fierce women.</div><div><br></div><div>Show your support for Senator Elizabeth Warren and all women who choose to speak up and voice their opinion!</div><div><br></div><div>Available in different styles and colors. Limited Edition.</div>

She Persisted

<div>Stand together with Elizabeth Warren! </div><div><br></div><div><u>PORTION OF THE PROCEEDS ARE DONATED TO THE <b>ACLU</b></u></div><div><b><br></b></div><div><b>ORDER MORE THAN ONE TO SAVE ON SHIPPING</b></div><div><br></div>

Nevertheless, She Persisted

A message of hope and strength to women everywhere, regardless of political affiliation. "Nevertheless, she persisted" speaks to the warrior spirit in us all. 

Resistance is fertile

Women of the USA will no longer be silenced. Rise up and grow strong. All money raised will be donated to the ACLU

Nevertheless, she persisted.

"She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. NEVERTHELESS, SHE PERSISTED."<div><br></div><div>Let your voice be heard and let the GOP know they will not silence the voices of dissent, especially the fierce women.</div><div><br></div><div>Show your support for Senator Elizabeth Warren and all women who choose to speak up and voice their opinion!</div><div><br></div><div>Available in different styles and colors. Limited Edition.</div>

I am Gracist.

In a world and time where humanity is so divided about many things, wear this as a reminder to the world that you are an expression of grace. Be a gracist!


Raising operational funds for Women United for Action, Southwest Oklahoma.

She Persisted

Show your support!

Nevertheless, she persisted

50% of proceeds are donated to the Malala Fund. The Malala Fund  works to secure girls' right to a minimum of 12 years of quality education, particularly in the global south. 

Celebrate Elizabeth Warren's Strength...

And get a dig on the turtle in, too. Let's show support for some of our only representatives who are actually taking a stand. 25% of profits go to ACLU.

She Persisted - Liberty

Show the strength of women in the fight for equal rights by proudly wearing the words of  Senator Mitch McConnell to Senator Elizabeth Warren as he tried to silence her words. All proceeds benefit Community Call, an organization that empowers young women to make a difference in their lives and the community!

Trump is a jerk.

Trump is a jerk and the world needs to know.<br>
